About Mondragon Photography
From underwater reefs to top-side scenics, our library contains a broad range of subject matter from a variety of countries. Our stock photography list page provides a good overview of our coverage but, because our files are always growing, please contact us for current, detailed listings or if you are unable to find what you are looking for.
We are happy to send out low resolution images for review. High-resolution files are available via e-mail or FTP to help meet tight deadlines.
All photographs are fully captioned. Caption information includes: common name, location and scientific name. We have strong science backgrounds
and strive to have accurately identified photographs.
Selected Credits
With agents licensing our images in dozens of countries it is difficult to keep a current list of every publication but below are a few that we know of.
A.V. Video and Multimedia Producer, Film and Video, Oregon Coast, Skin Diver, Sport Diver, Sport Fishing, Sea, TV Technology, Videography, Family Fun Magazine, PCPhoto Magazine, & many others.
Photo/Text Packages:
Dive Magazine (UK), Diver (Canada), Canoe and Kayak, Northwest Travel, Paddler.
Book Publishers:
National Geographic, Chanticleer Press (National Audubon Guide), Gale Group, Sinauer Publishing, W.W. Norton & Company, The Creative Company, Terrell Publishing Company, & others.
Seaweeds of the Pacific Coast: Common Marine Algae from Alaska to Baja California.
Calendars & Cards:
National Geographic, Audubon, WWF, Sierra Club, Healthy Planet, Brown Trout, American Greetings, Brown & Bigelow, Zebra Publishing, & many others.
Dive Link, Natural Resources Defense Council, Panasonic, REI, & others.
National Park Service, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, California Department of Fish and Game, Academy Studios, & many others.